Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Changing the -guest password on E3000 linksys router

The configuration tool(s) for the E3000 linksys suck!  If you ever clicked on 'advanced routing' you will no longer be able to use the "cisco connect" software.  Instead you will go to the router setup on your local network and (or whatever you set) where much of the functionality is missing ... like setting the password for the guest connection.

Here's the linksys help page for how to do this:  Title: Finding out Wireless Network Name and Password in Cisco Connect

But when I run "Cisco Connect" I do not see what they show in the article.  I see this:

If you click on the "Open advanced setting" link your browser will open and you and log to a setup web page being served out of the E3000 router.  But in that web page THERE IS NO WAY TO SEE OR CHANGE THE PASSWORD OF THE GUEST CONNECTION !!!

Oh you know what else sucks ... at the bottom of the "article" at linksys there is a feedback form ... you know was this article helpful [] yes [] no [] somewhat ... I select NO and the window closed on me :/

Well I have spent an hour dicking around with the linksys/cisco on-line support ... I guess the only anyone can do is to set the router back to factory defaults and reinstall the CRAPPY "Cisco Connect" software.