My wife had been using Memorex exPressit Label Design Studio 4.3.0206 on Windows XP for almost 10 years. She had made about 5000 different disk labels with it. The Window XP machine just got slower and slower and slower over the years so we decided to buy a brand new Windows 8 HP laptop. I hate the windows 8 UI BTW but that is besides the point. I installed exPressit on the win8 laptop and low and behold there was no longer a "Victorian LET" font available on the new system. Typical. My wife called Microsoft support (I know that she did because she ended up crying). Microsoft support sucks. Once she mentioned Memorex exPressit MS support simply said it was not their problem. So my wife got a hold of the Memorex/Surething support ( and once she mentioned win8 the memorex support dummies said that expressit is only supported to Windows 7. What a bunch of losers these "support" / "customer service" people are. Really? Does anyone need these worthless waste of skin? So she made plans to go to Staples (another bunch of worthless clods) to get them to install Windows 7 on the new laptop. I realized (heck) I got windows 7 on my work laptop so I installed the version of exPressit the ignorant support people at Memorex said we should use and then slapped my wife's label design files on my win7 laptop. Was the "Victorian LET" there? Of course not. Using win7 solved nothing *BUZZARD* wrong answer losers at memorex support.
There is a happy ending to this story and the hero of this tale is this web site:
I 1) downloaded their version of "Victorian LET" and then 2) opened up Control Panel (how to do this win8 is totally stupid and beyond the scope of this blog entry) 3) in the control panel I double clicked the Font icon and then 4) dragged the file I downloaded from into the Fonts dialog box.
So now when I start exPressit I can use and see the "Victorian LET" font.
a BIG thank you and $10 donation to fontzone and a middle finger to microsoft and memerox/surething customer support.
There is a happy ending to this story and the hero of this tale is this web site:
I 1) downloaded their version of "Victorian LET" and then 2) opened up Control Panel (how to do this win8 is totally stupid and beyond the scope of this blog entry) 3) in the control panel I double clicked the Font icon and then 4) dragged the file I downloaded from into the Fonts dialog box.
So now when I start exPressit I can use and see the "Victorian LET" font.
a BIG thank you and $10 donation to fontzone and a middle finger to microsoft and memerox/surething customer support.
Ah! One can simply 1) download the font, 2) open the downloaded font file and 3) click the "Install" button.